Last Wednesday the Office of Downtown Development hosted a webinar to help our Classic Main Street Programs prepare for the upcoming Annual Assessment process. If you weren’t able to watch our webinar live here are a few quick takeaways:
- Annual Assessments are due by close of business on December 31, 2016
- Each program’s assessment and supporting documentation should be submitted through your local program’s Dropbox folder.
- If you don’t have access to your communities Dropbox folder please reach out to our staff so that we can get you connected
- As of today you should have copies of the following in your Dropbox folder:
- January – July monthly board meeting agendas and minutes
- A copy of your most current work plan
- A copy of your most current budget
As promised we are enclosing copies of both presenters presentations as well as copies of the supporting documentation featured during the presentation. You can view a recorded copy of this webinar here on our Georgia Main Street Program YouTube channel.
Download Jessica Reynolds’ presentation
Download Catherine Edgemon’s presentation
Perry Main Street Work Plan
Perry Main Street Community Transformation Strategies
2016 Annual Standards for Accreditation
For follow up questions you can contact the Georgia Main Street staff or Catherine Edgemon, Perry Main Street Program Manager, at