The City of Forsyth is currently seeking a Main Street Coordinator. The Main Street Coordinator oversees the operations of the City of Forsyth’s Main Street Program. This position requires specialized and independent technical work involving the application of research findings to City policy. Work involves researching, writing, and administering grants and revolving loan funds applicable to the City’s policy; assisting local merchants through promotion, beautification, and coordination; speaking on behalf of the Main Street Program to community groups; promoting local businesses on a local, regional, and state level; disseminating information to the media through press releases; responding to citizen inquiries, complaints, and concerns; writing promotional material for magazines or educational brochures; serving as the City’s educational research contact for schools; and oversee, plan, design and produce all events while managing all project delivery elements within time limits. The candidate must have working knowledge of City functions and grant processes, coupled with public relations skills. The City Manager and the City Clerk may all provide essential information to assist the employee, but the employee works under the direction of the Economic Development Director.
- Location: Forsyth, GA
- Posted By: Jessica Reynolds
- Posted On: October 25, 2016