Dahlonega- Main Street Manager

Position:  Main Street-DDA Program Assistant
Salary Range: Dependent Upon Qualifications
Open Period:  Until Filled
Position Information:  Full-time with benefits

Job Summary:    This work involves support for the operations of the Dahlonega Downtown Development Authority/Main Street Program, its Director, and board.

Job Duties:

Public Relations/Marketing

  • Produce and coordinate campaigns to promote shopping for Shop, Dine, Stay, Live promotion; Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, and other special events and projects


  • Attend required trainings conducted by Department of Community Affairs/Main Street; Georgia Downtown Association; Ga. Municipal Association
  • Assist with production and hosting of training events in Dahlonega

Social Media & Website

  • Draft content for daily/weekly posts using Buffer for: Facebook pages of the Main Street Program, Appalachian Jam, Farmers Market and Friday Concert Series; Twitter; Pinterest; Instagram
  • Assist with website updates


  • Maintain spreadsheet for promotion/advertising budget
  • Draft meeting minutes for Downtown Development Authority for permanent legal records, post adopted minutes to website each month; Compile monthly board meeting packets
  • Visit downtown businesses and distribute materials
  • Assist with planning Annual Board planning session
  • Assist with yearly Downtown Master Plan stakeholders meeting
  • Attend merchant coalition quarterly meetings
  • Produce DDA annual report
  • Submit City’s annual tree city recertification application
  • Update and distribute “Dahlonega Stories” marketing materials to participating businesses
  • Update and distribute Parking brochures to Chamber of Commerce
  • Assist Public Works with banner maintenance and change out requests
  • Submit works order requests as necessary for flowers, mulch, trash
  • Assist with grant applications research and production

Programs and Projects

  • Coordinate production and promotion of special projects such as: the annual Downtown Business Awards event, the Dahlonega Farmers Market, the Appalachian Jam, the First Friday Concert Series, 4th of July, Old Fashioned Christmas, the downtown bronze history plaque program, hosting training events and other events and programs; UNG Student night downtown event production; UNG new faculty shopping orientation; Georgia Cities Week/Historic Preservation Month; Arbor Day; produce other shopping campaigns as needed

Minimum Qualifications:

Bachelors Degree and/or 2 years of relevant experience, (or a combination of both) appropriate to the responsibilities with emphasis on public relations, public administration, non-profit or volunteer administration, and/or small business development. Must be experienced at event production and promotion, sensitive to design and preservation issues, and must understand the issues confronting downtown business people, property owners, public agencies and community organizations. Must be entrepreneurial, energetic, imaginative, and well organized. Excellent written and oral communication skills are essential. TECHNICAL SKILLS PREFERRED: Document design software (such a MS Publisher, Adobe, etc.); Excel; Website maintenance (Joomla program); social media management

Application Procedures:

Please mail or deliver resume or application to: City of Dahlonega–Attn: Kimberly Smith, City Clerk- 465 Riley

Road – Dahlonega, GA  30533 – Applications are available at City Hall Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on the City website at: www.dahlonega-ga.gov

Please email resume or application to: ksmith@dahlonega-ga.gov 

The City of Dahlonega is an Equal Opportunity Employer

This position is responsible for planning, marketing, promoting, and implementing downtown development and historic preservation programs. The program objectives include community education, formulation of policies, and the development of marketing strategies for those areas including events. This program will be designed to promote, enhance, conserve, monitor, and improve downtown Dalton.

The City of Pembroke is accepting employment applications for the position of Community Development Director for their Downtown Development Authority/MainStreet Program. This position is responsible for managing community economic development activities, fostering public/private partnerships and maintaining historic preservation awareness and policies.


Minimum Qualifications: Knowledge and level of competency commonly associated with the completion of a master’s degree in a course study related to the occupational field; Experience sufficient to thoroughly understand the basic relevant principles, usually associated with the completion of an apprenticeship/internship or having had a similar position for one or two years.


Applications are available at Pembroke City Hall, 160 North Main Street, Pembroke, GA, or online at pembrokega.net, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.

The City of Americus is seeking a dedicated, responsive, and experienced individual to serve as Director of Tourism.  This position is responsible for the development, conduct, execution and carrying out the objectives of the Americus-Sumter County Tourism Council, Inc. Work involves coordinating and implementing the goals and objectives of the Mayor, Council, and City Manager and the Americus-Sumter County Tourism Council. This position is also responsible for overseeing and coordinating the operation of the Americus Welcome Center and Tourism Council office.

The City of Americus is seeking a dedicated, responsive, and experienced individual to serve as Director of the Main Street Program and the Downtown Development Authority; guides and advises the Main Street Board and Committees by “leading from behind.” This position is responsible for the development, conduct, execution, and documentation of thirteen blocks in the central business improvement district. Work involves coordinating and implementing the goals and objectives of the City Manager, Mayor and Council, the DDA, and the Main Street Board of Directors; for implementing a revitalization program focused on the Main Street 4 Points of Organization, Design, Promotion, and Economic Restructuring.

This position is responsible for performing a variety of administrative, technical and professional work in the preparation and implementation of economic development plans, programs and services for the City of Washington; responsible for coordinating and developing Main Street projects and assists with implementation of the downtown development plan in order to help expand the City’s tax base. Work is performed with a high degree of initiative and independent judgment in the preparation and implementation of economic projects within established objectives. Work is performed under the general supervision of the City Administrator.

Learn more about this position


Under the limited supervision of the Business Development Director, performs intermediate skilled administrative support work managing and directing the operations of the Keep Newnan Beautiful program and related work as apparent or assigned.

Under the limited supervision of the Business Development Director, performs intermediate skilled administrative support work coordinating and assisting with the planning, implementation, and evaluation of special events of the department, and related work as apparent or assigned.

The City of McDonough is accepting applications for the position of Main Street Manager.  This position develops and executes a comprehensive Main Street Revitalization Plan for Downtown District based on the Main Street Program Four-Point Approach:  Organization, Promotion, Economic Restructuring, and Design.  This position is also responsible for the coordination and budgeting of the Main Street Program as well as its Main Street Advisory Board.  Work is performed under the direction of the Business Development Director.

Position is open until the job has been filled. For more information please contact Bob Trescott at RTrescott@McDonoughGa.org

The City of Elberton is currently seeking qualified applications for a Main Street Manager.  An individual in this job classification coordinates activity within the downtown revitalization program which utilizes historic preservation as an integral foundation for downtown economic  development. The mission of the Main Street Program is to enhance the quality of life by strengthening the downtown as the center of the community through concentrated efforts in organization, promotion, design and economic development.