Position: Main Street-DDA Program Assistant
Salary Range: Dependent Upon Qualifications
Open Period: Until Filled
Position Information: Full-time with benefits
Job Summary: This work involves support for the operations of the Dahlonega Downtown Development Authority/Main Street Program, its Director, and board.
Job Duties:
Public Relations/Marketing
- Produce and coordinate campaigns to promote shopping for Shop, Dine, Stay, Live promotion; Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, and other special events and projects
- Attend required trainings conducted by Department of Community Affairs/Main Street; Georgia Downtown Association; Ga. Municipal Association
- Assist with production and hosting of training events in Dahlonega
Social Media & Website
- Draft content for daily/weekly posts using Buffer for: Facebook pages of the Main Street Program, Appalachian Jam, Farmers Market and Friday Concert Series; Twitter; Pinterest; Instagram
- Assist with website updates
- Maintain spreadsheet for promotion/advertising budget
- Draft meeting minutes for Downtown Development Authority for permanent legal records, post adopted minutes to website each month; Compile monthly board meeting packets
- Visit downtown businesses and distribute materials
- Assist with planning Annual Board planning session
- Assist with yearly Downtown Master Plan stakeholders meeting
- Attend merchant coalition quarterly meetings
- Produce DDA annual report
- Submit City’s annual tree city recertification application
- Update and distribute “Dahlonega Stories” marketing materials to participating businesses
- Update and distribute Parking brochures to Chamber of Commerce
- Assist Public Works with banner maintenance and change out requests
- Submit works order requests as necessary for flowers, mulch, trash
- Assist with grant applications research and production
Programs and Projects
- Coordinate production and promotion of special projects such as: the annual Downtown Business Awards event, the Dahlonega Farmers Market, the Appalachian Jam, the First Friday Concert Series, 4th of July, Old Fashioned Christmas, the downtown bronze history plaque program, hosting training events and other events and programs; UNG Student night downtown event production; UNG new faculty shopping orientation; Georgia Cities Week/Historic Preservation Month; Arbor Day; produce other shopping campaigns as needed
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelors Degree and/or 2 years of relevant experience, (or a combination of both) appropriate to the responsibilities with emphasis on public relations, public administration, non-profit or volunteer administration, and/or small business development. Must be experienced at event production and promotion, sensitive to design and preservation issues, and must understand the issues confronting downtown business people, property owners, public agencies and community organizations. Must be entrepreneurial, energetic, imaginative, and well organized. Excellent written and oral communication skills are essential. TECHNICAL SKILLS PREFERRED: Document design software (such a MS Publisher, Adobe, etc.); Excel; Website maintenance (Joomla program); social media management
Application Procedures:
Please mail or deliver resume or application to: City of Dahlonega–Attn: Kimberly Smith, City Clerk- 465 Riley
Road – Dahlonega, GA 30533 – Applications are available at City Hall Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on the City website at: www.dahlonega-ga.gov
Please email resume or application to: ksmith@dahlonega-ga.gov
The City of Dahlonega is an Equal Opportunity Employer