The Office of Downtown Development is excited to be bringing you a variety of new training opportunities in 2019. The workshops offered will include but are not limited to:
Mini Main Street 201- ”Beers, Brews and Business Development”
February 26th in Greensboro, GA
Cost: $35 per person, all tiers
Mini Main Street 201- ”Conquering the Diversity Divide”
June 11th in LaGrange- GA
Cost: $25 per person, all tiers
Annual Leadership Summit
July 23 & 24th in Valdosta, GA
Cost: $200 GEMS, $250 Classic and $275 Affiliate
Mini Main Street 201- ”Funding Main Street”
September 17th in Brunswick, GA
Cost: $25 per person, all tiers
*When registering , if asked to enter an eligible discount code please use the code ”GEMS” for GEMS designated cities and ”Classic” for Classic Main Street designated cities. All Affiliate or all other non-designated registrants need not enter any additional information.